6 April 2011 (posted the following morning). If I were looking for excuses as to why I’m not bicycling today (or tomorrow), I could point to the “Red Flag Warnings” for the area. Prior to this trip I hadn’t come across that term—a high wind advisory—but I’ve seen it several times now. Steady winds of 30 mph with gusts in the upper 40s were forecast for today and tomorrow. I suspect that Emory Pass, which I’ll cross, is even windier.
But I’m not looking for excuses; relaxing is part of the agenda for this trip. It’s been a totally relaxed day in Silver City—the first of two rest days I’m planning here. Right now I’m sitting in Isaac’s bar, enjoying a Black Butte Porter. (The one thing missing here in Silver City is a brew pub; there are no local beers.) In the restaurant portion of Isaac’s they seem to be playing Trivial Pursuit or something; I can’t quite figure it out.
After posting yesterday’s blog this morning—about the javalinas and sore legs—I set out for the morning tasks. I checked two places for glucosamine—the Silver City Food Co-op and a Rexall Drugs—but selected a product from the latter (which had the specific ingredients Andy mentioned in his comment on a recent blog post). I was actually on my way to the drugstore (on foot, thank-you!) when I got a call from Patrick Lyford, a WarmShowers host here in Silver City who couldn’t take me in, but had suggested getting together. He biked over to the bike store I was quite close to and we walked to the drugstore chatting.
At the bike shop I asked about “fitting” (adjusting) my bike, which was never really done when I bought it eight or ten years ago. The guy who can do that will be in tomorrow—which was another reason to spend another day in Silver City.
Patrick showed me around town, told me a bit of history of the city, including how Main Street became the “Big Ditch” in 1895. It seems that the city was built on an area that regularly saw significant runoff. High sidewalks were built to contain floodwaters that swept through town each year. But overgrazing in the hills above town had thinned vegetation and the ability of land to absorb rainfall. Then on the night of July 21, 1895, heavy rainfall resulted in a wall of water surging through the town, gouging out Main Street to a depth 35 feet below its previous level. Floods in ensuing years scoured the ditch down to bedrock— 55 feet below the original street level. Today that channel is Big Ditch Park, which is beautifully landscaped, with redbud trees in full bloom this week.
Patrick and I had lunch at a great little café talking about all things bike-related—and touching on a few others. He has bike-toured widely throughout the country, including cross-country trips, and he shared tips and recommendations. He described various experiences with getting repairs in odd places and how helpful people have been where he’s biked. He even has a GPS device that send out a signal every half-hour with your whereabouts!
Back at the hotel, Patrick looked over my bike and concurred that some adjustments should make for a more comfortable ride.
After parting ways with Patrick, I took a nap—remember, this is a rest and recuperation day—and then spent a couple hours wandering around town. Neat place, as some of these photos may convey. Dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurant, a conversation with the home front, and a drink across the way afterwards.
Hmmm….which way were those winds blowing?
Too bad – there was a great brew pub there a couple of years ago! Stock up on any coop type things you want now. You won’t be likely to see another one until Marathon, Texas. Good luck over Emory Pass. It’s a long climb but a gorgeous one and the descent makes it all worth while. Look for Black River Lodge on the descent in Kingston (8 miles down). That’s the straw bale place that’s worth a look. Tailwinds!
Hi Alex…the device I purchased, and used on my cross country trip, is a SPOT GPS device: http://www.findmespot.com/en/ Living in the middle of 3,000,000 acres of wilderness, it’s a great device to have should help be needed. The Traveler component, for an extra $50/yr, tracks a users progress every 10 minutes and plots it on a Google map. My wife and friends enjoyed it for various and different reasons…and I liked it because it has a 911 component should help be needed and it functions where cellphones do not. Eventually, I believe, it will be an app for a smartphone. Not there yet. The restaurant that we ate at the first day was the Cafe El Mundo…great little place in Silver City. Glad that we had a chance to connect. Safe travels and happy trails…Patrick